End Of Lease Carpet Cleaning Sydney

Experienced Lease Cleaners For Tenants

End Of Lease Carpet Cleaning Sydney

If you’re a tenant in Sydney facing end-of-lease and need your carpets cleaned, you’re likely feeling stressed about meeting your landlord or real estate agent’s expectations. We understand the pressure to have your rental home spotless for final inspections. That’s why we offer a complete end of lease carpet cleaning service to give you peace of mind.

With over 10 years of experience specialising in carpet cleaning for Sydney rental properties, we guarantee Outstanding Results, or we will reclean for FREE. We use the latest steam cleaning equipment and eco-friendly products to deep clean your carpets, removing all stains, grime buildup and bad odors. Our professional cleaners serve all areas of Sydney and surrounding suburbs.

About the Service in NSW

Our carpet cleaning Sydney service cleans the floors in your rental property to meet end of tenancy cleaning requirements. We use hot water extraction cleaning to penetrate deep into carpet fibers and lift out dust, debris, pet hair, food spills and other dirt. Our powerful truck-mounted steam cleaning machine generates up to 250 PSI to dislodge stubborn stains.

We also offer tile and grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning and Sydney’s rug cleaning services to give your rental place an all over fresh, clean smell before final inspections.

Why We Are Different

  • Over 10 years experience specialising in end of lease clean
  • Truck-mounted steam cleaning systems
  • All eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Comply to Australian cleaning standards
  • We move all furniture items
  • Provide an end-of-lease cleaning checklist
  • 100% security bond back guarantee
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Outstanding Results or we reclean for FREE
  • Fully licensed and insured

Contact us today. Avoid lease cleaning stress and get back your security deposit. Book an appointment with us today on 02 8188 3994 for a free quote. We service all areas of Sydney 7 days.

Our End-Of-Lease Cleaning Process For Sydneysiders

  1. Contact us and request a free estimate. Let us know number of rooms, types of flooring, level of soiling and your move out date.
  2. We’ll give you a fixed price quote with no hidden charges.
  3. Schedule a cleaning time 1-3 days before your lease ends. We require 72 hours notice for booking process.
  4. Prepare the property by removing all fixtures and belongings prior to our arrival
  5. Our professional cleaning team will sanitize all carpets using steam
  6. We take before and after photos of cleaned carpets for your records
  7. For heavy soiled carpets, trace residual spots may require additional treatments
  8. Enjoy peace of mind that your carpets will pass final inspections

What We Check & Clean During End Of Lease Cleaning

Our professional bond cleaners thoroughly detail the entire property paying special attention to key areas agents or property manager inspects:

  • Carpets
  • Tiles & Grout – mop & scrub floor surface
  • Bathrooms – bathtub, showers, toilet, shower screen, sinks, taps, mirrors, tiles, exhaust fans
  • Bedrooms – wardrobes, fittings
  • Living room corner
  • Curtains & Blinds
  • Kitchens – clean oven, stove top, rangehood, cupboards, drawers, cabinets, appliances like fridge and refrigerator
  • Walls & Ceilings – marks, cobwebs
  • Windows & Doors – glass, door frames, window sills
  • Light Switches
  • Skirting Boards
  • Air vents & Grills

We know how to clean a house ready for bond inspection using all commercial grade cleaning equipment and non-toxic products safe for your family and pets. Our bond cleaning checklist guarantees no area is missed.


  • Extends carpet life
  • Healthier home environment
  • Removes musty odor
  • Fixes uneven traffic patterns
  • Removes allergens
  • 75% less chemicals than DIY
  • Saves you time and energy

There’s very little risk of carpet damage with hot water extraction cleaning when performed properly. Avoid companies that use too much heat or pressure.

#1 Trusted Professional End Of Lease Carpet Cleaners

Signs you need End Of Lease or Bond Cleaning Service

  • Traffic walkways appear dirty and discolored
  • Stained or spotted carpet
  • Musty, bad odors in rooms
  • Carpet flattened from furniture
  • Dust and pet hair visible
  • Tacky carpet surfaces

If you notice any of these issues or problems with your rental carpets, you’ll likely need professionals before your final inspection.


As Sydney’s leading carpet cleaning company, we offer highly affordable and competitive prices. Exact costs depend on the number of rooms, carpet size and condition, type of fabric, and how soiled they are. As standard, cost starts from:

  • Bedroom unit- $49
  • Combined Lounge & Dining – $69
  • Stairs – $39 per flight
  • Upholstery & Rug Cleaning – $25 per seat or item

Call us on 02 8188 3994 for a free, no obligation quote.

End Of Lease Cleaning Services

We offer a wide range of reliable cleaning services for rental apartment houses including:

  • Carpet steam cleaning
  • Tile, vinyl & linoleum mopping
  • Bathroom cleaning
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Wall wiping
  • Window cleaning
  • Light fitting dusting
  • Cobweb removal & sanitization
  • Pest control treatments
  • Garden or outside area cleaning
  • Balcony cleaning
  • Garage and basement sweep out

Whether you need a full bond cleaning package or quality end of lease carpet clean, we can assist you with your cleaning task.


Some common questions people and clients ask:

How soon before I vacate should I book carpet cleaning job?

We recommended booking your carpet clean 1-3 days before your lease end date. This allows time for any follow up spot treatments if needed.

What is your carpet cleaning process?

We use hot water extraction with powerful truck-mounted steam cleaners and non-toxic solutions to clean carpets. See our detailed process above.

What areas of Sydney do you service?

We offer end of lease cleaning service to residential and commercial customers across all Sydney suburbs and surrounding areas, including the CBD, Eastern Suburbs, Inner West, Canterbury, Southwest, Inner City, Northern Suburbs and the Hills District.

What happens if carpets are still dirty after cleaning?

If we don’t achieve an outstanding result first time, we’ll promptly return and reclean the carpets for free. We guarantee your happiness.

What payment methods do you accept?

For your convenience we accept all major credit cards, bank transfers or cash on the day of service.

What equipment and solutions do you use?

Latest steam cleaning machines, HEPA filters, best commercial vacuum cleaners, microfiber cloths and cleaning detergents that are non-toxic and safe for kids/pets once dried.

Do I pay anything if the carpet needs a second clean?

No, we will promptly return and re-treat any carpets needing more work free of charge to achieve outstanding results.

Contact Us

Phone us on 02 8188 3994 for affordable and professional end of lease cleaning Sydney services. Your carpets will look brand new again – we guarantee it!